1. How do you deal with writer's block?
Writer's block is something every writer faces, and I am no exception. I can't tell you how many times I've sat at my computer staring at a blank screen. But to deal with it, I try to limit any distractions while I write (noise, phone notifications, etc) and then I try to take frequent breaks. Sometimes, you'll have one of those days where you just can't work, which is totally ok. In that case, you might need to take the day off and try again the next day. 2. Will there be a sequel to The Jewels of Fate? Yes! Actually, I plan on continuing with an entire series. The second book is in the works and I'm so excited for where the story could go next! Right now, there's no official release date yet, but stay tuned... 3. Have you ever met a famous author? Unfortunately, I've never met JK Rowling or Rick Riordan - but I'm hoping it will happen one day. However, I did get to meet Laura Weymouth, author of The Light Between Worlds and Kristen Ciccarelli, author of The Last Namsara when they visited my high school. Both of their books are amazing and I highly recommend you read them! 1. What is your favorite TV show?
I would have to say my favorite TV show is Stranger Things. If you have never watched it, I highly recommend you do - especially if you're into sci-fi thrillers. I think I had the entire first season finished in about a week! 2. How did you decide on the title of your book? There are jewels in the story that play a big role, so this title seemed fitting.That's all I'm going to say about that! :) 3. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? I would love to live in Florida, where it's warm and sunny all year round. Plus, I'm a huge fan of roller coasters, especially the ones at Disney World and Universal Studios! If I lived in Florida, I'd get a yearly pass to both theme parks! 1. Where do you get your ideas from?
Many different places! I read a lot and find tons of inspiration from the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling and the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. I love stories about mythical lands filled with magic and teenage protagonists saving the world. 2. Who is your favorite character in The Jewels of Fate? While all of the characters are awesome, I have to say that Kimi Sahivi is my favorite. Her aggressive attitude was so fun to write into the story. But she also has this really dark, personal history that adds a whole new layer to her. She's one of the characters who doesn't have magic, but she can definitely hold her own in a fight. 3. Who did the illustrations and front cover? A good friend of mine - Olivia Losier! Not only did she do a fantastic job on the cover, but she also drew the characters separately. They can be found at the end of the book and on the Snure Stories social media pages. 1. Where does your book take place?
The Jewels of Fate starts out in New York where the main character, Chuck, lives. If you've been to New York, you will know a lot of the landmarks mentioned in the first few chapters, such as Central Park. However, the main part of the book takes place in Acanesia, which is a fictional kingdom in another dimension! 2. How long did it take you to write The Jewels of Fate? This book has been a work in progress for about five years! I started the first draft when I was in Grade 7, and since then, I have been rewriting sections of the book, adding to the plot and changing the characters. The final draft took me a year to finish and about three months to fully edit. 3. How do you pronounce "Oglaturanta?" The Oglaturanta is definitely one of the most dangerous creatures in Acanesia - and the most difficult to say! If you're getting tongue-tied, you're not the only one! Hopefully this will help. You can break the name down into five parts: Og (as in fog) La (as in last) Tu (as in tu-tu) Ran (as in the past tense of run) Ta (as in taco) |
Tyler Snure
October 2024